What is Politics?

POLITICS is who gets what, when, and how.”- Harold Lasswell

Politics is a process

Politics refers to the process through which we arrange and live our collective lives in a social order based on legitimate principles.  LEGITIMACY comes from the belief that something is right and proper, and it compels obedience.   

Politics is a fundamental human activity

According to Aristotle, people are political animals because we are social creatures with the power of speech and the ability to engage in moral reasoning.  This means that when conflict arises, people can collectively determine who gets what, when, and how by coming together, engaging in discourse with others, and agreeing upon which principles are legitimate.  

Politics allows for conflict resolution

Power and resources are not unlimited.  There’s only so many fish in the sea; so many jobs in a geographic area; so much meat, produce, or toilet paper available for distribution to retailers; etc.  Similarly, power is subject to limitations and constraints. 

When power and resources are limited, conflict is inevitable.  Politics allows us to determine how power and limited resources can be distributed within society without being limited to the use of force or violence.  As social creatures with the power of speech, people can engage in bargaining, coercion, compromise, cooperation, deceit, and persuasion when determining who gets what, when, and how.  This does not mean, however, that politics does not sometimes result in the use of force.

Politics is everywhere

Politics does not only exist in the context of government; politics exists within any social context.