Political Systems: Who Governs?

Authoritarian Systems

In AUTHORITARIAN SYSTEMS, power resides with the state. This means that the state has the authority to make decisions concerning how power will be exercised and how the social order will be structured. In other words, only the state can make decisions regarding how people should live their collective lives.

In authoritarian systems, people have obligations and responsibilities to the state, but they do not necessarily have rights or privileges against the state (unless rights or privileges are granted to the people, as was the case with the Magna Carta, in which case the state may choose to reissue or recall those rights as it sees fit).  In authoritarian systems, people play the role of SUBJECTS who must submit to the state’s exercise of power.  

Governments that are considered to fall within the scope of authoritarian political systems include, but are not limited to,

  • MONARCHY – undivided rule or absolute sovereignty by a single person
  • DICTATORSHIP – rule or absolute power by a dictator or a small clique
  • ARISTOCRACY – rule by the best suited, through virtue, talent, or education
  • OLIGARCHY – rule by a few members of the elite, an economic class that controls political and economic affairs

Nonauthoritarian Systems

In NONAUTHORITARIAN SYSTEMS, power resides with the people. This means that individuals, either directly or indirectly, make decisions concerning how power will be exercised and how the social order will be structured. 

ANARCHY, or the absence of government, is considered to be the most extreme form of social order falling within the scope of nonauthoritarian political systems. 

DEMOCRACY also falls within the scope of nonauthoritarian political systems.  In democracies, power resides with the people.  People play the role of CITIZENS who have consented to be governed; they have obligations and responsibilities to the state, and the state provides procedural guarantees to preserve their rights as citizens. 

Power and Authority

POWER is simply the ability to get others to do what you want.  Power is central to the politics and government, which is reflected in our basic definitions of these concepts: recall that politics involves distributing limited power and resources in society, and government is defined as the structure through which AUTHORITY (i.e., power that is viewed as legitimate) is exercised over a group of people.

Power in the civil arena has many different sources, and the exercise of power can take many different forms.  Understanding where power comes from and how it can be exercised within the civic arena can help you more effectively engage in civic life.

What is Government?

GOVERNMENT is the structure through which authority is exercised over a group of people.  Government provides society with:

  1. rules about conflict resolution and the allocation of resources
    • U.S. constitution and constitutional law; federal statutory laws; federal administrative rules and regulations
    • Texas Constitution; Texas statutory laws; Texas administrative rules and regulations
    • local ordinances
  2. institutions where governmental power is exercised to enforce those rules and maintain social order
    • U.S. Congress (i.e., U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate); President and federal bureaucracy; federal courts (Supreme Court, courts of appeals, district courts)
    • Texas Legislature (i.e., Texas House of Representatives and Texas Senate); plural executive and bureaucracy; state courts (Texas Supreme Court, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, courts of appeals, and district courts)
    • county government (commissioner’s courts), municipal government, local courts (justices of the peace, municipal courts, and county courts), and special districts

Government is created to promote the safety and well-being of the nation.  Of course, not everyone agrees on what this means or how best to achieve this goal (i.e., which collective goals the government should seek to accomplish, and which benefits the government should seek to provide).  As a result, conflict arises within government, making politics necessary.

Similarly, not everyone agrees as to whether – and why – we should have government, nor does everyone agree on what the “right” form of government looks like. 

Because of the rules and institutions we have in place and the way that we have divided power between the different levels of government, our government is considered a CONSTITUTIONAL FEDERAL REPUBLIC, which is a form of indirect or representative democracy.

For more information about the different types of government found around the world today, check out the CIA World Factbook website.

What is Politics?

POLITICS is who gets what, when, and how.”- Harold Lasswell

Politics is a process

Politics refers to the process through which we arrange and live our collective lives in a social order based on legitimate principles.  LEGITIMACY comes from the belief that something is right and proper, and it compels obedience.   

Politics is a fundamental human activity

According to Aristotle, people are political animals because we are social creatures with the power of speech and the ability to engage in moral reasoning.  This means that when conflict arises, people can collectively determine who gets what, when, and how by coming together, engaging in discourse with others, and agreeing upon which principles are legitimate.  

Politics allows for conflict resolution

Power and resources are not unlimited.  There’s only so many fish in the sea; so many jobs in a geographic area; so much meat, produce, or toilet paper available for distribution to retailers; etc.  Similarly, power is subject to limitations and constraints. 

When power and resources are limited, conflict is inevitable.  Politics allows us to determine how power and limited resources can be distributed within society without being limited to the use of force or violence.  As social creatures with the power of speech, people can engage in bargaining, coercion, compromise, cooperation, deceit, and persuasion when determining who gets what, when, and how.  This does not mean, however, that politics does not sometimes result in the use of force.

Politics is everywhere

Politics does not only exist in the context of government; politics exists within any social context.

Difference of Means Tests: The Basics

DIFFERENCE OF MEANS TEST (also called a TWO-SAMPLE T-TEST) is used to compare the average values of a variable across two different groups (samples) to see whether they statistically differ from each other.  The process of conducting a difference of means test mirrors the hypothesis testing process.  Specifically, it involves:

  1. Formulating null and alternative hypotheses — for example:
    • Null hypothesis (H0): there is no difference in the average values of a variable across two groups
    • Research hypothesis (Ha): there is a difference in the average values of a variable across two groups
  2. Choosing a significance level (usually, α = 0.10, 0.05, or 0.01)
  3. Checking assumptions regarding the relationship between the groups and the nature of the data
  4. Choosing the appropriate difference of means test/two-sample t-test
  5. Calculating the test statistic, determining the degrees of freedom (df), and, based on α and df, identifying the:
    • Critical value(s) that will define the rejection region for the null hypothesis
    • P-value, or probability of obtaining the observed results, or more extreme results, if the null hypothesis is true
  6. Analyzing data to make a decision about the validity of the hypotheses, by either:
    • Comparing the test statistic to the critical value(s); if the test statistic falls into the rejection rage, and we would reject the null hypothesis
    • Comparing the p-value to α; if the p-value is less than or equal to α, we would reject the null hypothesis

Assumptions Underlying Difference of Means Tests

Samples: Related, or Unrelated?

INDEPENDENT SAMPLES are those in which cases across the two samples are not ‘paired’ or matched in any way” (Meier, Brudney, and Bohte, 2011, p. 223).  In other words, independent samples involve between-group comparisons of two unrelated groups of different individuals or cases.  Observations across samples are independent: the observations in one group have no effect on the observations in the other group.  Examples of two independent samples are a treatment group and a control group.    

DEPENDENT SAMPLES exist when each item in one sample is paired with an item in the second sample” (p. 223).  In other words, dependent samples involve within-group comparisons of two closely related groups, which contain the same, or extremely similar, individuals or cases.  Observations across samples are dependent within pairs: each pair of observations is related.  Examples of dependent samples include:

  • two samples containing the same individuals or cases, with data collected before and after a treatment, intervention, policy change, etc. 
  •  two samples containing different individuals, with individuals in one sample matched/paired to individuals in the other sample who have similar characteristics (age, gender, race, income, education, etc.)

Nature of the Data

Is the Data Normally Distributed?

Many statistical methods, including difference of means tests, are based on the ASSUMPTION OF NORMALITY: the distribution of the data — in this context, within each sample (or the differences in paired samples) — should be approximately normal (i.e., bell-curve shaped, symmetrical around the mean).  This assumption is particularly important for small sample sizes.  Researchers or administrators can check for normality by using graphical methods, such as histograms and quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots.  There are also statistical tests that can check for normality, such as the Shapiro-Wilk test.

Are Variances Equal, or Unequal?

The ASSUMPTION OF EQUAL VARIANCES (i.e., homogeneity of variances) applies when the variances of two groups are assumed to be approximately equal.  At times, however, the variances of two groups cannot assumed to be equal; in such situations, we proceed with the ASSUMPTION OF UNEQUAL VARIANCES (i.e., heterogeneity of variances).  Determining which assumption applies is important, regardless of whether the data corresponds to samples or populations.

Whether variances are equal or unequal impacts the way in which the t-test calculation is performed.  Researchers or administrators can check for homogeneity (i.e., equal variances) using statistical tests such as the F-TEST.

Types of Differences of Means Tests

There are three difference of means tests that you may use to examine the difference between two groups, depending on the samples and nature of data: the INDEPENDENT SAMPLES T-TEST, the DEPENDENT/PAIRED SAMPLES T-TEST, and the WELCH’S UNEQUAL VARIANCES T-TEST.  These tests are summarized in the table below.

Types of Difference of Means Tests (t-Tests) 

Type of t-TestSamplesNature of Data
Independent Samples t-TestIndependent samples and observationsData in each group are normally distributed
Equal variances in both groups
Dependent/Paired Samples t-TestDependent/paired samples; observations are dependent within pairs and independent between pairsDifferences in paired samples are normally distributed
Welch’s Unequal Variance t-TestIndependent samples and observationsData in each group are normally distributed
Unequal variance across groups 

Statistical vs. Practical Significance

A result can be statistically significant but have a small effect size that is not meaningful in real-world applications.  Thus, it is important to consider both STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE (i.e., whether the observed relationship is likely unlikely to have occurred by chance alone) and PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE (i.e., whether the effect size of the observed relationship is meaningful in real life). 

For example: using a large probability sample and α=0.05, we find a statistically significant relationship between a new policy for processing building permits and the amount of time that it takes to process requests for building permits.  We can reject the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the new policy and processing time.  Now, let’s assume the new policy is associated with a decrease in processing times of 1 day.  If the average processing time before the new policy was 30 days, and the new average processing time is 29 days, the actual effect size (1 day) is minimal and may have little practical significance.

Statistical Significance: How Sure Should a Person Be?

When researchers say that their results are STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT, they mean that the observed effect or relationship in the data is unlikely to have occurred by chance alone.  Thus, statistical significance tells us whether the sample results we observe are strong enough to reject the null hypothesis, according to a predefined threshold (i.e., the significance level α). 

Statistically significant results obtained from a probability sample can be generalized to the population from which the sample was taken.  For example, if I find a statistically significant relationship between voting and sex (women are more likely to vote than men) in a random sample of Americans using a threshold of α=0.05, I can conclude with 95% confidence that this relationship exists in the United States: throughout the entire country, women are more likely to vote than men.

Choosing a Significance Level     

What significance level (α) should we use to determine whether results are statistically significant? 

In social science research, the significance level at which results are considered statistically significant is usually α=0.05, meaning we are 95% confident that the relationship between two variables is real (i.e., not the result of random chance).  However, in some social science research (such as some areas of political behavior research), α=0.10 is used to identify whether results are statistically significant, meaning we are 90% confident that the relationship between two variables is real.  If you think about it, choosing a lower significance level here makes sense: human behavior is only so predictable.  Thus, the choice of significance level is sometimes driven by the concept being researched.

Sample size can also effect the choice of significance level.  As sample size increases, the standard error decreases, which leads to more precise estimates of the population parameters and makes it easier to detect smaller effects.  Therefore, larger sample sizes increase the likelihood of detecting statistically significant effects with a smaller α, relative to smaller sample sizes.  However, there is a trade-off when it comes to sample sizes: larger samples are more costly than smaller samples in terms of the time required to recruit the sample and collect data and the financial cost associated with survey administration and data collection.  Time and money are finite resources: researchers and administrators only have so much time, and so much money, that can be dedicated to a given project.  As such, we sometimes adjust our level of significance to accommodate our sample size, opting to proceed with a smaller sample size (n) and larger significance level (α). 

For instance, when researching crime rates using data using a sample of 50 cities and townships (n=50), you may decide to adopt a threshold of α=0.10 to increase the likelihood of finding statistically significant effects.  If, on the other hand, the sample consists of 2,500 cities and townships (n=2500), you may decide to adopt a threshold of α=0.01.  As long as you decide on a level of significance before conducing statistical analysis, and accurately report α alongside the results, either of these is perfectly acceptable.  You cannot adjust α after conducting statistical analysis to accommodate the results.

Determining Sample Size for a Significance Level

At times, you may decide that you want to report results at a specific significance level and then let α drive the decision regarding how large of a sample you will need to detect a relationship.  In these situations, “the ideal sample size for any problem is a function of (1) the amount of error that can be tolerated, (2) the confidence one wants to have in the error estimate, and (3) the standard deviation of the population” (Meier, Brudney, and Bohte, 2011, p. 203).  Specifically, the sample size should be equal to squared value obtained when the critical value (i.e., t-score) associated with the desired α is multiplied by the estimated sample standard deviation, and then divided by the maximum margin of error that can be tolerated

Hypothesis Testing: Errors in Interpreting Results

When interpreting the results of a hypothesis test, there are two types of error that we can make:

  • TYPE I ERROR (i.e., a FALSE POSITIVE) occurs when one rejects the null hypothesis when it is true; in other words, the Type I error is saying that a relationship exists when, in fact, it does not exist
    • The probability of committing a Type I error is equal to the significance level (α); for example, if α=0.05 (95% confidence level), there is a 5% chance of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true
  • TYPE II ERROR (i.e., a FALSE NEGATIVE) occurs when one fails to reject the null hypothesis when it is false; in other words, the Type II error is saying that no relationship exists when, in fact, a relationship does exist
    • The probability of committing a Type II error is associated with several factors, including sample size, relationship strength/effect size, significance level (α), variability in the data, test design, and measurement precision

Which Error is Worse: Type I, or Type II? 

Let’s consider how the judicial system is structured: would we rather convict an innocent man, or let a guilty man go free? 

To convict someone of a crime, the prosecution must convince the jury beyond a reasonable doubt, and the jury verdict must be unanimous.  Clearly, our judicial system is structured to make it harder to convict.  The judicial system would rather let a guilty man go free than convict an innocent man.  In other words, the judicial system seeks to avoid a Type I error, where it asserts a relationship exists when it does not (finding an innocent person “guilty”).  Instead, the judicial system would rather commit a Type II error, failing to find a relationship when it does exist (finding a guilty person “not guilty”). 

The same logic underlies statistical analyses.  If we commit a Type I error, we are saying a relationship exists when, in fact, it does not.  In inferential statistics, we always want to err on the side of caution.  Therefore, a Type II error, where we fail to identify a real relationship, is generally more acceptable.

Hypothesis Testing: One-Tailed vs. Two-Tailed Tests

One-Tailed Tests

“A ONE-TAILED TEST is applied whenever the hypothesis under consideration specifies a direction” (Meier, Brudney, and Bohte, 2011, p. 198).  In a one-tailed test, we are only interested in one tail of the distribution (i.e., values on one side of the mean): 

  • For a positive relationship, we are interested in the RIGHT TAIL (or UPPER TAIL), i.e., values to the right of/greater than the mean
  • For a negative relationship, we are interested in the LEFT TAIL (or LOWER TAIL), i.e., values to the left of/less than the mean

The rejection region is determined by the significance level (α) and the direction of the hypothesized relationship; it usually includes the most extreme 10% (α = 0.10), 5% (α = 0.05), or 1% (α = 0.01) of values in the distribution.  Whether these values lie at the bottom (i.e., on the left side) or at the top (i.e., on the right side) of the distribution, and the one-tail test that should be used for hypothesis testing, is determined by the hypothesized relationship:

  • RIGHT-TAILED TEST is used to test for a positive relationship between variables: if the test statistic falls within the top α percent of the distribution, it is in the rejection region, and the null hypothesis is rejected
    • Assuming α=0.05 and a 95% confidence interval, our rejection region would be the top 5% of the distribution (i.e., at or above the 95th percentile)
  • LEFT-TAILED TEST is used to test for a negative relationship between variables: if the test statistic falls within the bottom α percent of the distribution, it is in the rejection region, and the null hypothesis is rejected
    • Assuming α=0.05 and a 95% confidence interval, our rejection region would be the bottom 5% of the distribution (i.e., at or below the 5th percentile)

Two-Tailed Tests

A TWO-TAILED TEST is used whenever the hypothesis under consideration does not specify a direction; it simultaneously tests for the possibility of both a positive and a negative relationship between variables.  Thus, in a two-tailed test, we are interested in both tails of the distribution (i.e., values that fall on both sides of the mean).

The rejection region is determined by the significance level (α), divided equally between the left/lower and right/upper tails; it usually includes:

  • for α=0.10, the most extreme 10% of values in the distribution: the bottom 5% of the distribution (i.e., at or below the 5th percentile), and the top 5% of the distribution (i.e., at or above the 95th percentile)
  • for α=0.05, the most extreme 5% of values in the distribution: the bottom 2.5% of the distribution (i.e., at or below the 2.5th percentile), and the top 2.5% of the distribution (i.e., at or above the 97.5th percentile)
  • for α=0.01, the most extreme 1% of values in the distribution: the bottom 0.5% of the distribution (i.e., at or below the 0.5th percentile), and the top 0.5% of the distribution (i.e., at or above the 99.5th percentile)

If the test statistic falls within the bottom (α/2) percent of the distribution (i.e., the α percentile) or the top (α/2) percent of the distribution (i.e., the 100-α percentile), it is in the rejection region, and the null hypothesis is rejected.  Thus, the two-tailed test is more conservative than the one-tailed test because it accounts for the possibility of an effect in either direction.

Correlation vs. Causation


CORRELATION refers to any relationship or statistical association between two variables.  If two variables are correlated, the variables appear to move together: as one variable changes, the other variable tends to change in a specific direction.  Two variables can display a POSITIVE CORRELATION (as the values for one variable increase, the values for the other variable increase) or a NEGATIVE CORRELATION (as the values for one variable increase, the values for the other variable decrease).  If two variables are UNCORRELATED, there is no apparent relationship between them.  

Positive and negative correlations can also be characterized based on the strength of the relationship between the two variables as either STRONG (a high degree of association between two variables), MODERATE (a noticeable but not perfect association between two variables) or WEAK ( a low degree of association between two variables).

Researchers can check to see if two variables are correlated by calculating their CORRELATION COEFFICIENT (also called PEARSON’S R), which measures the direction and strength of a linear relationship between two variables.  Pearson’s R is of the most widely used statistics in both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.  Pearson’s R values range from -1 to 1:

  • -1 indicates a perfect negative linear relationship between two variables — i.e., as one variable increases by a unit of one, the other variable decreases by a unit of one
  • 0 indicates no linear relationship between two variables
  • 1 indicates a perfect positive linear relationship between to variables — i.e., as one variable increases by a unit of one, so does the other variable

There are four possible reasons for correlations: (1) variable X causes variable Y (CAUSATION); (2) variable Y causes variable X (REVERSE CAUSATION); (3) the relationship between variable X and variable Y is simply a coincidence (RANDOM CHANCE); and (4) some other variable Z causes both variable X and variable Y (SPURIOUS RELATIONSHIP). Thus, correlation DOES NOT equal causation.

Example: Ice Cream Sales and Sunburns

There is a strong positive correlation between ice cream sales and sunburns: as ice cream sales increase, so do sunburns.  Does this mean the ice cream is causing sunburns?  Of course not!  As this illustrates, correlation DOES NOT imply that one variable causes the other variable to change.  What other factor helps explain this observed correlation between ice cream sales and sunburns?  Weather!

  • As it gets warmer, people eat more ice cream
  • During the summer months, when its warmer, people are more likely to go outside — that, combined with being closer to the sun, results in increased opportunities for sunburns

This is an example of a spurious relationship — an apparent causal relationship between two variables that is actually due to one or more other variables.  


In the context of hypothesis testing, CAUSALITY (i.e., whether one variable affects/leads to changes in another variable) is usually what we are interested in because it helps us understand mechanisms and underlying processes, thereby allowing us to make accurate predictions.

Demonstrating Causation

To demonstrate causation, a few factors must be present:

  1. The variables must be correlated
  2. The cause must precede the effect
  3. Other possible causes/explanations of the variation observed in the dependent variable must be ruled out